
and welcome

internet foothold

Within these pages you can find information about me, my projects. For the curious, see the project source for this website.

Originally I started this website I guess on a whim. I wanted to play about with go some more on my own, and a website rewrite seemed like the perfect excuse to do that.

Other than that, I just love tinkering with new technologies, frameworks, etc.

okay but for real

I do have an actual personality beyond software development and being a diligent worker, it's just that maybe a glorified business card personal "brand" (🤮️) website might not be the best place for expressing that.

So just know that the content of this website is my attempt at squaring the conflict described above, between the professional version of me and the more authentic, dynamic representation of myself. So that's your disclaimer: like everyone, I'm more than either of these personas.

OK, good talk. Enjoy the rest of the website!